Each month a student is recognized by Rotary who attends the Hannibal Public Schools' Career and Technical Center as the student of the month. Students are nominated by their teachers for this honor. This student being recognized joins Rotary for lunch and is presented with the award.
Rotary hosts a Rotary Exchange student each year. The student attends Hannibal Public Schools while on exchange and lives with host families in Hannibal while participating in the Rotary Exchange program. If you are interested in hosting a student, please reach out to Neil Maune.
The Rotary Club of Hannibal sponsors 3 local incoming high school sophomore, junior or senior who would be interested in attending this great opportunity!
The Missouri RYLA Academy is a 4-day, 3-night leadership academy for diverse incoming high school sophomores, juniors and seniors who exhibit a desire for community service. Developed by some of Missouri's top professional educators and Rotarians, the curriculum is designed to identify and enhance the qualities of servant leadership for each participant, educate them on how to successfully implement a service project, and inspire them to live a lifetime of "Service Above Self." In addition, participants are introduced to the programs and values Rotary has to offer. Established in 1992, Missouri RYLA Academy has educated and inspired more than 2,500 students statewide. It is currently recognized as a model program for Rotary International, worldwide.
Each year the Rotary Club of Hannibal awards a $500 scholarship to a graduate of Hannibal High School that is renewable for 3 years after the first year for a total scholarship gift of $2,000. Applications are available during the spring of each year.